using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace PoweredSoft.DynamicLinq.Helpers { public static class QueryableHelpers { public static Expression GetConditionExpressionForMember(ParameterExpression parameter, Expression member, ConditionOperators conditionOperator, ConstantExpression constant) { if (parameter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter"); if (member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("member"); if (constant == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("constant"); Expression ret = null; if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.Equal) ret = Expression.Equal(member, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.GreaterThan) ret = Expression.GreaterThan(member, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.GreaterThanOrEqual) ret = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(member, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.LessThan) ret = Expression.LessThan(member, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.LessThanOrEqual) ret = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(member, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.Contains) ret = Expression.Call(member, Constants.ContainsMethod, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.StartsWith) ret = Expression.Call(member, Constants.StartsWithMethod, constant); else if (conditionOperator == ConditionOperators.EndsWith) ret = Expression.Call(member, Constants.EndsWithMethod, constant); else throw new ArgumentException("conditionOperator", "Must supply a known condition operator"); return ret; } /// /// Returns the right expression for a path supplied. /// /// Expression.Parameter(typeOfClassOrInterface) /// the path you wish to resolve example Contact.Profile.FirstName /// public static Expression ResolvePathForExpression(ParameterExpression param, string path) { Expression body = param; foreach (var member in path.Split('.')) { body = Expression.PropertyOrField(body, member); } return body; } public static ConstantExpression GetConstantSameAsLeftOperator(Expression member, object value) { if (member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("member"); if (value == null) return Expression.Constant(null); // the types. var valueType = value.GetType(); var memberType = member.Type; // if match. if (valueType == memberType) return Expression.Constant(value); // attempt a conversion. object convertedValue = TypeHelpers.ConvertFrom(memberType, value); return Expression.Constant(convertedValue); } public static ConstantExpression ResolveConstant(Expression member, object value, QueryConvertStrategy convertStrategy) { if (convertStrategy == QueryConvertStrategy.LeaveAsIs) return Expression.Constant(value); if (convertStrategy == QueryConvertStrategy.ConvertConstantToComparedPropertyOrField) return QueryableHelpers.GetConstantSameAsLeftOperator(member, value); throw new NotSupportedException($"{convertStrategy} supplied is not recognized"); } public static IQueryable CreateSortExpression(IQueryable query, string sortPath, SortOrder sortOrder, bool appendSort = true) { var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t"); var member = QueryableHelpers.ResolvePathForExpression(parameter, sortPath); string sortCommand = null; if (sortOrder == SortOrder.Descending) sortCommand = appendSort == false ? "OrderByDescending" : "ThenByDescending"; else sortCommand = appendSort == false ? "OrderBy" : "ThenBy"; var expression = Expression.Lambda(member, parameter); var resultExpression = Expression.Call (typeof(Queryable), sortCommand, new Type[] { typeof(T), member.Type }, query.Expression, Expression.Quote(expression) ); query = query.Provider.CreateQuery(resultExpression); return query; } internal static Expression InternalCreateFilterExpression(int recursionStep, Type type, ParameterExpression parameter, Expression current, List parts, ConditionOperators condition, object value, QueryConvertStrategy convertStrategy, QueryCollectionCondition collectionHandling) { var partStr = parts.First(); var isLast = parts.Count == 1; // the member expression. var memberExpression = Expression.PropertyOrField(current, partStr); // TODO : maybe support that last part is collection but what do we do? // not supported yet. if (isLast && IsEnumerable(memberExpression)) throw new NotSupportedException("Last part must not be a collection"); // create the expression and return it. if (isLast) { var constant = QueryableHelpers.ResolveConstant(memberExpression, value, convertStrategy); var filterExpression = QueryableHelpers.GetConditionExpressionForMember(parameter, memberExpression, condition, constant); var lambda = Expression.Lambda(filterExpression, parameter); return lambda; } // TODO special handling for collections. if (IsEnumerable(memberExpression)) { /* //// first recursion. //var typeOfClass = typeof(Author); //var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeOfClass, "t"); //var posts = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, "Posts"); //// second recursion //{ // var subListType = posts.Type.GetGenericArguments().First(); // var innerParam = Expression.Parameter(subListType, "t2"); // var field = Expression.PropertyOrField(innerParam, "Title"); // var innerCondition = PoweredSoft.DynamicLinq.Helpers.QueryableHelpers.GetConditionExpressionForMember(innerParam, field, ConditionOperators.Equal, Expression.Constant("Match")); // var lambda = Expression.Lambda(innerCondition, innerParam); // // any // var anyMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).First(t => t.Name == "All" && t.GetParameters().Count() == 2); // var genericAnyMethod = anyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(subListType); // var subExpression = Expression.Call(genericAnyMethod, posts, lambda); // var finalLambda = Expression.Lambda>(subExpression, parameter); // query = query.Where(finalLambda); //} */ var listGenericArgumentType = memberExpression.Type.GetGenericArguments().First(); var innerParameter = Expression.Parameter(listGenericArgumentType, $"t{++recursionStep}"); var innerLambda = InternalCreateFilterExpression(recursionStep, listGenericArgumentType, innerParameter, innerParameter, parts.Skip(1).ToList(), condition, value, convertStrategy, collectionHandling); // the collection method. var collectionMethod = GetCollectionMethod(collectionHandling); var genericMethod = collectionMethod.MakeGenericMethod(listGenericArgumentType); var callResult = Expression.Call(genericMethod, memberExpression, innerLambda); var expressionResult = Expression.Lambda(callResult, parameter); return expressionResult; } // standard property or field. return InternalCreateFilterExpression(recursionStep, type, parameter, memberExpression, parts.Skip(1).ToList(), condition, value, convertStrategy, collectionHandling); } public static MethodInfo GetCollectionMethod(QueryCollectionCondition collectionHandling) { if (collectionHandling == QueryCollectionCondition.All) return Constants.AllMethod; else if (collectionHandling == QueryCollectionCondition.Any) return Constants.AnyMethod; throw new NotSupportedException($"{collectionHandling} is not supported"); } public static Expression> CreateFilterExpression(string path, ConditionOperators condition, object value, QueryConvertStrategy convertStrategy, QueryCollectionCondition collectionHandling = QueryCollectionCondition.Any, ParameterExpression parameter = null) { if (parameter == null) parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t"); var parts = path.Split('.').ToList(); var result = InternalCreateFilterExpression(1, typeof(T), parameter, parameter, parts, condition, value, convertStrategy, collectionHandling); var ret = result as Expression>; return ret; } public static bool IsEnumerable(MemberExpression member) { var ret = member.Type.FullName.StartsWith("System.Collection"); return ret; } } }