using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace PoweredSoft.DynamicLinq.Fluent { public abstract partial class QueryBuilderBase { public bool IsNullCheckingEnabled { get; protected set; } = false; public List<QueryBuilderFilter> Filters { get; protected set; } = new List<QueryBuilderFilter>(); public List<QueryBuilderSort> Sorts { get; protected set; } = new List<QueryBuilderSort>(); public virtual QueryBuilderBase NullChecking(bool check = true) { IsNullCheckingEnabled = check; return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase Compare(string path, ConditionOperators conditionOperators, object value, QueryConvertStrategy convertStrategy = QueryConvertStrategy.ConvertConstantToComparedPropertyOrField, bool and = true, QueryCollectionHandling collectionHandling = QueryCollectionHandling.Any) { Filters.Add(new QueryBuilderFilter { And = and, ConditionOperator = conditionOperators, Path = path, Value = value, ConvertStrategy = convertStrategy, CollectionHandling = collectionHandling }); return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase Sort(string path, QuerySortDirection sortDirection, bool appendSort) { Sorts.Add(new QueryBuilderSort { Path = path, sortDirection = sortDirection, AppendSort = appendSort }); return this; } protected abstract QueryBuilderBase GetSubQueryBuilder(); public virtual QueryBuilderBase SubQuery(Action<QueryBuilderBase> subQuery, bool and = true) { // create query builder for same type. var qb = GetSubQueryBuilder(); qb.NullChecking(IsNullCheckingEnabled); // callback. subQuery(qb); // create a query part. var part = new QueryBuilderFilter(); part.And = and; part.Filters = qb.Filters; Filters.Add(part); //return self. return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase OrderBy(string path) { Sorts.Clear(); Sorts.Add(new QueryBuilderSort { Path = path, sortDirection = QuerySortDirection.Ascending, AppendSort = false }); return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase OrderByDescending(string path) { Sorts.Clear(); Sorts.Add(new QueryBuilderSort { Path = path, sortDirection = QuerySortDirection.Descending, AppendSort = false }); return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase ThenBy(string path) { Sorts.Add(new QueryBuilderSort { Path = path, sortDirection = QuerySortDirection.Ascending, AppendSort = true }); return this; } public virtual QueryBuilderBase ThenByDescending(string path) { Sorts.Add(new QueryBuilderSort { Path = path, sortDirection = QuerySortDirection.Descending, AppendSort = true }); return this; } } }