using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace PoweredSoft.DynamicLinq.Fluent { public class GroupBuilder { public List<(string path, string propertyName)> Parts { get; set; } = new List<(string path, string propertyName)>(); public Type Type { get; set; } public bool Empty => !Parts.Any(); public Type EqualityComparerType { get; set; } public GroupBuilder Path(string path, string propertyName = null) { if (propertyName == null) { var name = path; if (name.Contains(".")) { var parts = name.Split('.'); name = parts[parts.Length - 1]; // the last one. } if (Parts.Any(t => t.propertyName == name)) throw new Exception($"{name} is already taken by another group part, you can specify a property name instead to resolve this issue"); propertyName = name; } Parts.Add((path, propertyName)); return this; } public GroupBuilder UseType(Type type) { Type = type; return this; } public GroupBuilder EqualityComparer(Type type) { EqualityComparerType = type; return this; } } }